Thursday, 8 September 2011


Some folks walk through life with the vague belief that they could meet perfect people who'll never cause them heartaches.This gives me concern and I've decided to consider the subject.

According to the story of creation,every thing that was created,was created perfectly.Even man was created perfectly but was given the autonomy of choice.Armed with this tool,man has earned himself imperfection by choosing to eat of the tree in the middle of the garden.

That position of imperfection has given birth to a whole lot,and one of them is that man will always make mistakes.As long as man has the power to make his own choices,it means he will be responsible,even for the mistakes he makes.

Just as there are two sides to a coin,so are there two facets to the actions and decisions we make.They are either right or wrong.If they are right,then peace exists.
But where an action or decision is wrong,then there is always a penalty

However,the penalty accruable to a wrong action or decision is not my subject of discourse here.My objective in this discourse is to identify an alternative response to mistakes made or actions and/or decisions taken wrongly.

The alternative penalty would be forgiveness.Normally when a person makes a wrong decision or engages a wrong action,he's incarcerated and made to earn full recompense for his misdeeds.

However,I believe every body deserves a second chance.Yea,a second chance because we all make mistakes.
There was this funny story in the bible of a woman condemned for adultery-a heinous crime in her day.But Jesus marvelled me at his response to the lawmakers as they questioned him on her condemnation.He didnt justify her actions but rather asked her detractors to raise the first stone at her if they believed they'd never made mistakes.

It brings me to the issue of inter-personal relationships.
People go through different heart aches in the process of co-existence.Some are afraid of walking freely into new relationships because they envisage they'll get heartbroken.Some keep waiting for some Mr Right or Miss Right as is applicable,who is expected to be spotless and blameless.
And this Mr/Miss right is supposed to live above board,be perfect and not hurt them in any way.

But I shudder to say this,we all make mistakes.As long as life exists and people co-relate,offence will not extinguish.when two metals rub against themselves,friction occurs and heat energy is produced.Even rubbing the palm together produces a similar effect.
It is better to be expectant of certain pain than to be overshadowed by it in surprise.

A great sage once shared this thought,and I have chosen to paraphrase it as such,''I carry with me, a bag full of forgiveness because I know that as sure as the morning and the evening are,people will always offend me.And when they do,I just have to reach into my bag and offer them forgiveness.That way,I live longer and can find happiness more easily.''

Understanding that people will always make mistakes and that people will always offend you,helps you deal with it easier than otherwise.
And that way you can find the happiness that you so seek in life

When people offend you or hurt you,you learn important lessons necessary for maintaing the perfect relationship when it comes along.


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