Friday, 14 October 2011


GOALS- Managing Priorities
If you are always majoring in

minor things, you’re majorly a minor person; if you’re always minoring in major things, you are a minorly major person.. Your priorities go a long way in determining your productivity and profit. If you spend too much of your time on less important and less consequential things at the expense of a really important and consequential one, you’ll soon be journeying on a downward spiral towards becoming unimportant and inconsequential.
Actually, you’ll jeopardize whatever you don’t prioritize. Olsen Martin said, “Setting the cart before the horse is letting the cart and the horse be both destroyed”. Misplacement of priority is a greater impediment to success than lack of ability. Ability becomes wasted when inappropriately discharged. It no more matters what you can do, if you fail to do what you had to do.
You need to give more attention to priorities than to ability. If you’re busy doing the wrong things, you’re idle. It is good to be busy but it is better to be busy doing the right thing.
Your first priority should be to set your goals in order of priority. Lacking a sense of priority is most improper. A random approach to the achievement of goals is tantamount to lingering in the doldrums. When goals fall in line, we achieve them in time. A proper scanning and planning yields very huge benefits. The reason most goals are not achieved is that we spend our time doing second things first, observed Robert J. Mckwin. Most resources are wasted when goals aren’t aligned in order. Although excessive calculation is unwise, inorderly articulation of anticipation is nonetheless an indispensable tear to great achievement.
Priority is a very cogent element of prosperity. Prior to working on your goals, work on arranging them in order of priority. Priority should have a priority over activity. All goes well when all is well planned. Impatience is the part of soil in which the seed of failure grows. The hasty says, things go too slow, because he is too fast. If you cook your soup in haste it will have no good taste. You’ll always rush out of whatever you rush into, and that is if you even survive the rush. Life is more a matter of sense (wisdom) than a matter of speed. It’s alright to run but don’t rush. A steady race ends in victory. A hasty race ends with injures.
There is no road too long for the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste, No honour is too distant to the man that prepares himself for them with patience. If you learn to tarry, you’ll always end up achieving your goals happily; wait for the end, it will appear in the end. If you move with a rush, you’ll end with a crush. Danger lurks carefully for those who don’t run steadily. You may move with extra swoop only to end up with a hook. He, who runs too fast, has even more to loose than he who runs too slow. The haste of a fool is the slowest thing in this world. A greater percentage of forgetful people are hasty people. Why get to the door of success too early, only to discover you forgot the key a thousand miles away. Don’t become too cognizant of tomorrow, to the extent of failing to attend to today. Take good care of your today and tomorrow will take good care of you. There is much to begin by those who learn to wait. A hasty man spends an hour trying to do a day’s job and spends a week trying to correct the errors. If you don’t live your life in peace, you’ll leave it in pieces. No matter what you still have to achieve, you’ve achieved something; no matter what you still have to become, you’ve become something.
Give your adrenal glands some rest. It’s alright to be conscious of tomorrow but don’t be anxious about it. There is no peace for the wicked and for the hasty. It is bad to worry, maybe worse to hurry if you don’t want to make any more blunders, rush no longer.
Don’t confuse ability with productivity. Diffused light has limited impact but when it is focused like a laser, it can cut through steel. Are you the one who is famous doing too many things but never finishing any? It’s high time you changed. Why lay the foundation of six houses without roofing any? If you’re doing too many things, then you’re doing nothing. The more your activities, the less your activeness. A divided attention births a multiplied confusion. Most people gloat when things don’t work for them. Maybe the reason is just because they’re working on too many things. Why get yourself trapped in polygamous labours? When you indulge in multiple labour, you get fractional results. People, who get easily distracted, get easily dissuaded. Don’t settle for many things, otherwise you won’t be settled at all. There can be many things to do but there will always, at the same time, be one right thing to do. Most times we have to make difficult choices between two and more relevant things, but a man has found one thing to do, he can achieve almost anything. Stop flying from pillar to post. Stay with the pillar or stay with the post. Stay somewhere!
Hovering with activities is not diversity but catastrophe. A life of peace is more to be desired to a life of pieces. You could be good at many things, but you certainly are best at something. Choose that best one. Mark Twain said, “Behold the fool said, put not all thine eggs in one basket, which is just a way of something scatter your money and your attention; but the wise man said, put all your eggs in one basket and watch that basket.
Too many things is nothing!

1 comment:

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