This can be a very difficult time in the life of anyone who has been involved with someone else in a long term relationship. Breaking up with someone you have loved and cared about over a period of time is not easy but often times you might discover that you are better off without that person in your life. However, it is important to know whether to give a struggling relationship some time to heal itself, how much time you should give to it and when exactly to call it quit.
With that said, we should realise that most relationships are often in a state of lull and all that it might just need is a little more attention to get it back on track and not necessarily calling it quit. However, a lot people remain in unpleasant relationship because breaking up is just too difficult an issue to bring up and tackle.
Howbeit, there are times when we get to the point that there is no other option left to us except for both parties to go their separate ways due to irreconcilable differences. How to handle ending a long term relationship is the focus of this piece.
Firstly, it is very important that we put ourselves in the shoes of our partner and ask how we will feel about the way we intend carrying out this breakup exercise if the scenario was reversed. Except where distance is really a big issue, phone calls and text messages should never be used when ending any relationship at all. By all means avoid the blame game and be as civil as you can be.
You should by now have come to a clear cut reason why you want the relationship to end and be able to effectively explain this to your partner. Be thorough about this as in most cases the immediate reasons you might be thinking of might be just trivial and the main reasons still lie uncovered. In presenting your reasons you should strive to be as honest as possible with your partner. Think through what you are going to say and your possible responses.
part 2 coming soon
Great truth unveiled and delivered here at no expense to readers. Waiting for the part 2 and hope it will address how to revive a sick relationship and not breakup this time around.